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pool dehumidifier pool dehumidification system vapor pressure pool evaporation relative humidity evaporation rate condensation rate water cycle dew point pool dew point temperature pool moisture calculation

Evaporation, Condensation, and Dew Point
By Chloramine Consulting on July 28, 2020

Indoor swimming pools evaporate a lot of water. And because every action has an equal and opposite reaction, evaporation means there will also be condensation. This article will discuss...

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chlorine smell chloramines airborne chloramines airborne chloroform coughing after swimming lifeguard lung swimmer cough chlorine cough

Chlorine Cough After Swimming
By Eric Knight on July 16, 2020

When air quality is bad in a natatorium, swimmers, coaches, lifeguards, and spectators all suffer. Exposure to airborne chloramines irritates lungs and can cause swimmers to cough. Chlorine...

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natatorium competitive swimming olympic pool fast pool fast swimming pool swimming touch pads swimming pool design gutter hung touch pad flat wall touch pad

What Makes a Swimming Pool Fast?
By Chloramine Consulting on June 16, 2020

Fast swimming pools are considered "fast" when swimmers perform well in them. It's sort of an intangible amenity, but one that is well understood and respected by competitive swimmers. If a...

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coronavirus secondary disinfection system covid-19 swimming pool help chlorine chlorine supplement swimming pool enzyme pool secondary disinfection coronavirus pool swimming pools and coronavirus

Ways to Optimize Chlorine Disinfection Against Coronavirus
By Chloramine Consulting on June 12, 2020

In the era of COVID-19, common-sense hygiene and "social distancing" have become a new normal. If killing the virus is the name of the game, we cannot think of a safer place to be than in a...

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combined chlorine chloramines chlorine and urea pee in pools peeing in pools monochloramine breakpoint chlorination

Peeing in the Pool and its Consequences
By Chloramine Consulting on May 28, 2020

Fact: competitive swimmers pee in the pool. And while it's not necessarily every swimmer, peeing in the pool is part of swimming culture. It's gross, sure. But there are valid reasons why...

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pool chemistry competitive swimming shower before swimming showering before swimming swimming pool shower pee in pools showering and chloramines peeing in pools

Why Shower Before Swimming?
By Chloramine Consulting on May 20, 2020

Today we are going to tackle a question we get regularly: does showering before swimming really make that big of a difference? Does it help that much? Some of the leading voices in the...

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stainless steel rust stainless steel chloramine rust pool rust stainless steel corrosion pool corrosion chloramine damage pH of chloramines pH of trichloramine swimming pool corrosion rust on pool equipment corrosion of stainless steel pool rust on stainless steel pool equipment

Rust and Corrosion on Stainless Steel Pool Equipment
By Chloramine Consulting on May 9, 2020

Stainless steel "stains less", but it is not stain proof. Indoor pool equipment is very often corroded by chloramines and moisture. Let's talk about why.

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pool ozone secondary pool sanitizer secondary disinfection system pool secondary oxidation ozone disinfection in water UV ozone microplasma ozone O3 disinfection in water ozone generator corona discharge ozone UV vs. ozone ozone system for pool dielectric ozone

Ozone for Swimming Pools
By Chloramine Consulting on April 29, 2020

Continuing our conversation on secondary disinfection and oxidation systems, today we are discussing ozone (O3). Ozone is a powerful oxidizer and disinfectant for water, and is used in a...

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pool gutter skimmer pool skimmer vs gutter best pool gutter

Pool Gutter or Skimmers?
By Chloramine Consulting on April 20, 2020

Swimming pools can be subdivided many different ways. Today, let's focus on how surface water is collected for filtration. In this regard, there are two types of pools: skimmer pools and...

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Long course pool competition pool sizes olympic pool how big is an olympic pool olympic pool size natatorium pool

How Big is an Olympic Swimming Pool?
By Chloramine Consulting on April 19, 2020

An Olympic sized swimming pool is 50 meters long, and at least eight lanes wide. The official dimensions of an Olympic swimming pool are are defined by FINA, the international governing...

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hyper dissolved oxygen pool ozone ultraviolet disinfection medium pressure UV secondary pool sanitizer UV for indoor swimming pools secondary disinfection system HDO UV-C pool secondary oxidation pool oxidation ozone disinfection in water AOP advanced oxidation hydroxyl radical hydroxyradical secondary oxidizer

Comparing Secondary Disinfection Systems for Swimming Pools
By Chloramine Consulting on April 13, 2020

We are often asked for our opinion about UV and Ozone systems, and to compare them. The problem is, it's not an apples-to-apples comparison. So this article is our comparison of secondary...

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trihalomethane chloroform indoor pool air quality Trihalomethanes THMs in water chloroform in water CHCl3 THM airborne chloroform

Trihalomethanes (THMs) in Swimming Pools
By Chloramine Consulting on April 10, 2020

Trihalomethanes (THMs) are harmful disinfection byproducts (DBPs) found in drinking water and swimming pools. They can off-gas from swimming pools, which contribute to indoor air quality...

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